Saturday, August 31, 2013

This I pretty interesting!

 Check it out.... I ain't got time for this !

Have a great holiday weekend! Back to business next week!

I will be sharing some great info with everyone next week. 

Get ready!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Something fun!

My nephew Chris perry playing for Michigan.  Football and Michigan fan? You will love this!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Are You Tired?

Are you tired of being tired?

Or are you sick of being tired?

Or are you sick and tired of being tired?

Do you feel you are going no where and on the wrong track?

Well if that is the case, do like a train and derail your situation, get off that track and do something different!

Never stay where you are when it is leading you no where, paths have a direct destination, follow the one that is leading and taking you to where you desire, you belong, where your destiny awaits!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Do You appreciate your gift?

Did you know that taking care of yourself is a way of telling the creator thank you and yes I appreciate you for giving

Take a moment and today and remember to do something nice for you. For yourself.  Take time and do you!

Take time for a vacation  from everything even if it is only for 5 mins,

Take time to feed your mind with something new with  positive nourishment for personal development,

Take time to go for a good therapeutic massage if you can afford it, if not go and purchase a foot massager or portable back massager for your chair,

What ever you do, just do something good for you....

You deserve it and the creator deserves to know that you are thankful and appreciate his best creation.... Y.O.U.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Just do it!

I ran across this life changing speech from one of the most successful mentors and business builders in history.

This man impacted my life years ago.  Watch this and you will see why!

Enjoy !

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What are you depositing?

Today my paths crossed again with a woman I haven't seen for over 20 years.
This joyful occasion reunited a young, and at the moment depressed,  twenty something kid
With a joyful woman whose words pretty much saved my life on that day...
You see on that day we last spoke, I was down on myself and on life, and felt like giving up.
With a one way bus ticket in my back pocket to pretty much no were ... well actually I was heading to New York and do nothing but hang out,
find myself, discover myself, Sound familiar?  I was pretty much in my mind was going to go and just squander my life away with no direction, but just hang out.
And add to excuses to do nothing else with my life, grant it, I had a rough and tough life, set backs, let downs, disappointments,  you name it I'd gone through it.
My full story can be found in my book at .
This lady took time to speak into my life, deposited hope, told me no you are not a failure, and God has a plan for your life.
After an half hour after I ran out of excuses, I discovered, yes I am special, yes my life matters, and yes I'd better listen to what she was saying.
I did, and that one conversation which ended with prayer as she prayed God's favor to be upon my life, changed not only that day, but my entire life.
It was that evening after all this took place early that day, I turned my Greyhound ticket in and decided to go to church, and that is where I met a stranger, that became my best friend, and eventually is now my wife.
I can not express how important this woman who is now up in age was, and is to me, for she took the moment to make a deposit that changed and saved my life.
Question?  What have you deposited in someone else's life today?
Find the time to invest in someone that may seem insignificant, the return may just be priceless!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fear or Fuel?

Did you know that it is important to doubt your beliefs but to doubt your fears?

You must believe in the yes I can do that is inside you, the yes I can do it, the yes I will make it.

Believe in and concentrate only on those things.

Never Doubt your dreams, and your beliefs and desires!

Most people allow fear to set in ,the no I can't do it, not it can't be done, and they kill off their dreams and beliefs, and give fire and fuel and life to their doubts.  The start believing and giving into the no I can't no it won't and yes its too late.

Instead my friend, doubt your fears, and cause them to starve and feed and believe your beliefs!

Lastly, believing is called Faith!  Faith is fuel to your destiny.  Fear on the other hand is the opposite and it cripples, dismantles and dries up destiny in your life.

Take a moment today and re-evaluate where your are with your dreams from last year, last month, last week.......  are you fueling them ?  Or have you allowed fear to destroy them?

Believe in yourself.. Yes you can do it!