Everybody’s talking about Facebook and the opportunities for work promoting your brand or business but we can’t forget about Twitter. Twitter actually provides a unique opportunity for promotion that is not available on Facebook.
Most people see Twitter simply as a micro-blogging platform that allows them to post short snippets of information. This is accurate. But it is not all that all this application is about. In fact, it is not the most powerful of it.
Unlike Facebook, Twitter allows you to search on keywords and find conversations that are taking place on any topic and in any geographical area. Wow, are you starting to see the power of this application? Be careful though. Don’t make the mistake of finding these conversations and then heading over and making a sales pitch. That’ll be the biggest mistake of your life.
The key is to use these conversations to build relationships and connect with people in real way. For example, let’s say you are a personal injury attorney and you find a Twitter conversation where someone is asking questions having to do with the personal injury situation. It is important that you not immediately tried to sell them on a consultation or promote your practice in some way. Provide real advice and answered questions and make recommendations without selling yourself and if you do that they will start to see you as a trusted expert and there is a good chance it will seek you out and ask you for a professional consultation without you asking them. When that happens you have the customer and a friend for life. It is so much more powerful than a direct sales approach.
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