Wealth is a subject that many have discussed for many years. Wealth has been the subject of debate as well as judge of true value. Meaning, what is wealth to one person may not be to another person
In society we have millionaires, and billionaires, all of whom can pretty much buy anything they want at any given time, but to each there is a different value placed on their wealth, their dollars and their lives. To take it even a step further, what about the persons that earn hundreds of thousands per year, or even just thousands?
Now lets compare them with the before mentioned and there's a vast difference in values. I've heard one multi millionaire say that 50k to him is the equivalent of $50. And at the time all I could do was grasp and wonder.
Now the reality is this, to some 50k may be an entire life savings, but to this guy it is just like spending $50
It's all because of leverage, and the reality is... the more you have 'and' leverage, then the easier it becomes to obtain wealth.
There's more on this coming in the next blog, but take a moment and evaluate for yourself.. how valuable that same $50 is to you... You may just be surprised.