Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Success is a choice and not an accident

Success is a choice and not an accident.  Success is a choice and doesn't happen by mistake.  Success is a choice and doesn't happen through luck alone.  Success is a choice of purpose, on purpose and by purpose.

 If you purpose it in your heart, mind, soul and body to be successful , then yes it will happen.

 You have control over your universe in the palms of your own hands. 

 What are you going to do with it?  It is your choice, and others that you love are counting on you to make the right decision.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Name Your Day!

Did you know that there is power in your words?  God who made us in his image spoke things into existence.  He also in made us in his own image, his own likeness, with his attributes.

So wouldn't it make sense that we have the ability to think, speak and act and things begin to happen?  Absolutely!  Remember I said Think, Speak and act or take action, in that order.

It is very important that we take action on what we think, and what we speak in order to bring them into full fruition.   I have dedicated an entire blog post to just that which is coming.  Also you will find it in my book at www.noexcuseforfailure.com .  

Now lets get back to your day,  of course we all have Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but what makes yours special?  What makes yours more significant, when others may call it just another day, or on Wednesday, we've all heard the terminology hump day.

Well I challenge you to speak life into your days each and every day, give it significances to your desires and of course make each day the best day of your life, remember it is a gift from above.

Here are some examples of what your days should be called,  Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Transforming Thursday, Fantastic Friday, Super Saturday, and Supersonic Sunday!  Of course you can give your day the name you desire, do it accordingly to how you want your day, week, month and year to end. Something great for you may just be on the horizon!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's Been One of those days!

Have you ever heard someone say at the end of a day or if you asked them, hey how was your day?  Whew! It's been one of those days! I'm glad its over......?

Well if you've never heard this or experienced this, you are probably less than 1% of population.  We've all either said that or have been in a situation with someone that has replied to us in that manner.

Well no matter the scenario, I have some helpful things for you to think about.

#1 If you were blessed to have awaken this morning...  Yes it's another one of those days.

#2  If you were blessed to have slept in your own bed last night and not in the shelter.... Yes, its been another one of those days

#3 If you happened to have had to sleep in a shelter last night , but have a brand new day before you. .... Yes, its another one of those days

#4 If you had food to eat today, Yes, its another one of those days

#5 If you had situations that seemed unfavorable for you but you made it thorough, Yes, its been another one of those days.

#6 If obstacles seemed to try to get in your way to block you, and even if some did cause collateral damage, and you still came out on top, Yes, its been another one of those days

#7  If today you sit, maybe not with everything you want, but currently everything you need, Yes, it's another one of them days.

The reality is, yes it's been and yes its another one of them days.  It's been a GREAT DAY!

No matter what, in every day, find positivity, growth, learning experiences, wisdom, drive, determination, hope, focus, joy, happiness, and purpose.

Remember to live life on Purpose, With Purpose and Live every moment, every minute, every second, like you really mean it!

Let's have some fun..... Here I share another part of me.......

Enjoy some of my favorite musical artist and songs!


Ain't No Stopping Us now


Back to Eden


Sing A Song





Get ready for the best week of your life! And remember the best is yet to come!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Today I will share some resources with you that can really impact your business if you're a business person, as well as some things that can also impact your personal life regardless of if you are just an everyday person or a CEO of a company.

First, to answer questions regarding my book and upcoming books here you have it....

My first book No Excuse For Failure' was released in 2009, and is still available at www.NoExcuseForFailure.com .  My crew have been working on the revamping of the old and in with the new.

We've been blessed to have had the opportunity to write this to impact the lives of many.  Take a moment and visit the site, and get your copy today, it has impacted the lives of thousands worldwide over the past 4 years and I'm very humbled by that as we as excited by the testimonials that continue to pour in even to this day!

Upcoming books, 'Where is My Remote'  is due to be released in the Fall or early Winter.  We have some exciting things that are happening with 'No Excuse for failure'  and depending on what direction that is decided will determine how this new book will be released.... but stay tuned!

Also take time and visit, www.MardyEger.com  often, there are some updates that are taking place as well as resources that will be available to you.

So stay tuned!  Stay cool!  And Stay Blessed!

Mardy Eger

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Do What Truly Successful People Do


Today we live in a society that is full of negativity.

We see it on the news, reality shows are full of it.  And if you look real close, honestly most of everything you hear and see in society is driven by negativity.
The news, the television, the radio, the news paper, magazines, get my point?
Now have you ever wondered why as a society we have so many issues going on, even in families and relationships?

Today I challenge you to do what truly successful people do, and when I say successful, I not only mean financially but also internally.

It is important that you prosper in your finances as well as your internal self. In all areas of your life.

#1  Remove negative people from your life. Distance yourself from anyone that is a dream killers, or a person that is always speaking and sowing negativity in their own lives, as well as yours. The ones that you are afraid to share your dream and vision with, because they will always tell you, No it can't be done, No you will not be successful.

#2 Surround yourself around people that celebrate you and your existence, that pour into you,  Validate where you are trying to go and grow as a person that are not people that agree with you all the time but celebrate and challenge you and push you to the next level, that inspire you..  Not just tolerate you..

#3 Turn Off the Television.  Correct, turn off the burner.  Television zaps creativity from you, simply put, and for goodness sakes, never go to sleep with it on.  Just imagine what your sub.conscience is dealing with while you are asleep and has no defense against the poison that is being fed to you while you are asleep.  If you must watch television, do so by watching educational, inspirational programming, and still keep that to a minimum.  Challenge your mind to be creative and to grow. You'll be amazed at what's on the inside.

#4 Learn to forgive, and when you forgive you should also forget and move forward.  Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools in the world, but goes very much unnoticed.  Never hold grudges. Why give someone else that much power over your life?   You win, forgive, forget and move on. Now that's power.

#5 Watch your surroundings, and who's closest to you.  Did you know your surroundings can have a great affect on  where you end up.  Your destiny is impacted by those that are in direct contact with you in an intimate way.  There are layers of people in your life as you can see from my prior post.  Make sure the persons that you call your closet friends are truly sincerely for you, and are sincerely for them selves.  Sometimes people are their worst enemies, and they bring and attach their drama to you and your life... and you may never ever know it.  Question?  have you been in situations where Nothing ever works out for you?  Look at your surroundings and those that are closest to you. You may just find your answer.

Monday, July 15, 2013

When there's destiny and a call on your life

When there's destiny and a call on your life there are three types of people that you will come across on your journey.  You must be able to recognize them, understand the season, the purpose, and the value in order to not lose focus on that which God has called for you to do and the awesome destination that lies ahead for you and your family. 

As I was preparing to write this blog on this morning, I ran across this powerful video by Bishop TD Jakes, and pretty much it sums up everything that I was going to write today,

I had to share this with you!  Enjoy and be inspired!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Everyone Was Created With A Purpose

Everyone was created with a purpose, it is up to each of us to follow through and realize that purpose and see it through.

It's been often said, the richest place in the world is the grave yard.  Why?  That is the place where unfulfilled dreams and goals lay.

This is the place where many have reached the expiration of their journey here on earth but never realized their destiny and call.

Many lay there  whom visions and aspirations have never been followed through.

Inventions that will never be created, songs that never will be written, sang or heard, cures for diseases that never will be discovered, magnificent architectural creations that will never be built and admired, formulas that will never impact the masses, educators and lectures that will never impart much needed wisdom to others, books that will never written, sermons that will never be preached, future athletes that will never play on a court or field, future fathers or mothers that will never become the awesome parents they were created to be, future tutors that will never help struggling youth, future lawyers, doctors , politicians, actors, screenwriters, musicians, or other professionals that will never be seen heard or their presence felt,   future potential millionaires and billionaires that never took the initiative to follow their dreams.

By now I think you get what I am saying.  There is so much potential inside of you.  Within you there is greatness. Be yourself, take pride in being you.  Discover the real you, Refine and improve you.  Find your gift or gifts and cultivate them, learn on a continual basis to become not only good, but great at what it is that you do.  Stay focus on building you, and do it with great tenacity, with longevity as the goal. Remember there is no one else in this world that can be better at being you than you.  Even though there may be imitators, there is still only just one you.

 Another point, even though it is good find a mentor, or a person that you may admire that inspires you in the particular field or area you are called,  remember you can't be anyone else, but you.  No matter how hard you try you will never be someone else and no one else will ever be you.  You are just that special and that unique.

Look in the mirror and say this to your self.... Hello Self,  I like you and you like me. I am attracted to success and success is attracted to me.

I am attracted to purpose and purpose is attracted to me.  I am attracted to destiny and destiny is attracted to me.  Today I will do something great for many people and many people will do something Great for me.  On today my value increases as I am increasing because there is growing  greatness within me. On today my goals will be met, and any that may fall short today, is only due to refining and perfecting, and  shall be met, and is not a sign of denied but only delayed.

I bring value to the world and space I dwell in and shall complete the tasks and call that is upon my life and will do so daily to the fullest!

I was wonderfully created and my contribution to this world shall be life changing to all that I come in contact with!

In closing I leave you with this quote
Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
― St. Catherine of Siena

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Purpose of Life

“The purpose of life is to live it with extreme purpose, extreme joy, and extreme happiness!. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to make a difference in the lives of others that we are around.  To have impact on the lives of others in a magnificent way.

It is important that on a daily basis that you go out of your way to deposit something of value into others around you.   It may just be a kind word, a smile, encouragement to those that need it.   The transferal of knowledge and wisdom.  There is something that we all can do on a daily basis to bless others that will in turn bless us and our family. 

Take a moment today, do something different, something you may do only every now and then or may have never done. Stop and take a moment from your busy day, feed a homeless person, take them some food, walk them to a restaurant and take care of the meal, give clothing to those that may be in need, Help find shelter to someone that may not have a home.  The point is, just do something, even if it is just a warm smile, embrace, kind and encouraging word. 

You are more valuable than you think.  And just one deposit can bring a return of joy that is way too valuable to evaluate its worth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When There's a Call and Destiny on your Life Nothing can Stop You

When there's a call and destiny on your life Nothing can stop you!

If you've experienced set backs and disappointments, and times in your life where in you didn't think you could make it, but you did. 

Never quit, for there's a purpose in and for your life!